Mystery of
The number
13 may be considered unlucky because there were 13 people, Christ and the 12
Apostles, present at the Last Supper. In some countries, it’s still considered
unlucky to have 13 people at a table. There’s even a name for the fear of the
number 13, triskaidekaphobia!
But, this is unproved. One of
legend, myth, or believes is the unlucky number of 13. In many buildings or
hotels in China and America, there is no floor 13. It is known as unlucky
number. They jump from number 12 directly to 14. The houses between number 12
and 14 is addressed as 12 ½ Then, why are number 13 is unlucky number?
The insertion of symbol number 13 is
happen in the symbol of United States of America. The seal of United States of
America contains of two sides that is fully note with number 13. 13 arrows, 13
olive seed, 13 leaves in bird’s right foot, 13 starts in the head of the eagle
symbolized stars of David, and others. However, number 13 is still being
mystery in the world today.
Many people believe that a Friday
that falls on the thirteenth day of the month is an unlucky day. Have you ever
wondered why? It’s easy, both Friday and the number 13 are considered unlucky.
Muslims regard Friday as the holiest
day of the week although Friday has long been considered an unlucky day in many
countries. The day may be unlucky for the Christians because Christ died on
Friday. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent on a
Friday, and the Great Flood of Noah’s time began on Friday. In some countries,
Friday was the day for the execution of criminals.
In England, the government tried to
prove how silly the superstition about Friday building a ship called the
Friday. The ship was built starting on a Friday, and launched on a Friday.
It sank on its first voyage!
Apollo 13 was the only unsuccessful mission by the United States of
America intended to land humans on the moon. The explosion of an oxygen tank on
April 13, 1970 sent the flight crew and ground crews into several days of
intense survival mode. All three astronauts returned safely to Earth. Although
the primary objective of the mission failed, it is one of the most famous and
inspiring space adventures in the history of the planet Earth.
Also remember, The Columbia Space
Shuttle was sent into space on 1-16-2003 (1+1+6+2+0+0+3 = 13). The shuttle
exploded during re-entry and all its crew members died.
Recent Fact – Even Microsoft has skipped The Number 13:
Microsoft Office 2007, the predecessor of Microsoft Office 2010, is version 12.
Office 2010 will be version 14, skipping version 13, the number that Microsoft
assumes may be not so lucky. (Microsoft to launch Office 2010 this year)